The Retelling Story of IGODO-Chapter 4 by Ifeoma Isabella Okeke

"Mama, I have to go. I think this Umu-Igodo needs my help. I can't help it mama, you and I know that this was the reason why I was born". Ikemefuna told his mother who was crying. His father and his three sisters were looking at Ikemefuna as if he had grown two heads. They had been discussing about what to do at their farmland when Ikemefuna brought out the topic.

"My only son will not go to that cursed village because Amadioha choose you. Ikemefuna nwa m I forbid you". His mother said still crying and turned to look at their her husband. "Papa Ikemefuna won't you say something. Tell him not to embark on this stupid journey of his. Please tell him that anyone who step his foot on Umu-Igodo will be cursed".  

Ikemefuna felt pity at his mother's words but he couldn't go against Amadioha wish.

"Mama, please let me go and I promise you that I will come to you in one piece. This is what Amadioha, the one we all in Nwagebe serve. The one you have dedicated my life too when I was a baby. Have you forgotten the promise you had made to Amadioha when you and papa were looking for a male child. You had promised Amadioha I will serve him, you told me this countless of times". Ikemefuna told his mother.

"Ehmm Ikemefuna my son, if you are to go Umu-Igodo's village like you have said, how will my compound look like?" His father asked.

"Papa, you and mama are just....."

Ikemefuna got interrupted by his father.

His father continued. "My compound will look bare. It will look as if I don't even have a son. You are my only son who will take care of us in our old age".

"Papa, nothing will happen to me. Amadioha who had given me to you and mama will not allow any harm to come to me. Amadioha will surely see me through". Ikemefuna said trying to see if he can persuade his parents".

"But what mama and papa are saying is true, what if you don't make it. You keep telling us that is what your Agu says. I for once did not believe what your Agu say". Nkechi Ikemefuna eldest sister chip in.

"And did I beg you to". 

"Oooh, it is even his Agu that told him to go to Umu-igodo, Ikemefuna O bu eziokwu- is this true?" The mother asked.

"Yes mama, my Agu told me that I am needed in Umu-Igodo and that the rest are waiting for me there". Ikemefuna replied.

His mother shouted. "Nwa m nwoke na-ege nti n olu nke mmuo karia nne na nna ya. Ndi Nwagebe a ziri ezi?- my only son is listening to the voice of the spirit than his own parents. The people of Nwagebe is this right?"

"Mama, I am not in anyway listening to a spirit, my Agu is real. If my own family can't see my Agu then that does not mean it's not real". Ikemefuna said defending his Agu.

"Papa, allow Ikemefuna to go. I have this feelings that if you deny him this, Amadioha will punish this family. Please papa allow Ikemefuna to go". The third sister, Nneoma said pleading on Ikemefuna behalf.

"Well, since Nneoma had said we should allow Ikemefuna to go to that cursed village,  I have agreed. After all whatever Nneoma say happens. I don't want the wrath of Amadioha upon my entire household". The father said and stood up, stretch himself before going inside the hut.

Ikemefuna mother did not say anything, she stood up and went to the back of the hut. Nkechi and Ugochi (the second daughter) followed their mother to the kitchen.

"Ikemefuna, it's okay. Papa have agreed to let you go. But, you have to made sure that you come back home safe". Nnoma said.

"Thank you". 

"Nneoma come and fetch some water. Your sisters are busy helping me here in the kitchen and you are gossiping with your brother". Their mother voice sounded loud at the back of the hut.

Nneoma quickly stood up and went to meet them in the kitchen leaving Ikemefuna to his thought.

Soon Ikemefuna made his way out of his father compound and started going towards the forest. He wants to have a word with his Agu.


Uzodinma, Odum and Igodo listened and watched as the leaves beside Igodo's house rattled and the footsteps draw near.

Ikenna and Ikenga emerged from the bush and saw an old man, so old and fragile together with a man and a woman. They looked at one another for a minute or so.

Ikenna was the first to speak. "Please, we are looking for a man that bears Igodo. Do you in anyway know where we can find him".

Igodo smiled and Odum answered for him. "Yes", and pointed at Igodo. "This is the man you are looking for, this is Igodo".

The twins both looked at themselves then the old man before they kneel down and greeted the old man.

"Arise my sons. We have been waiting for you and the others. Though I am afraid to say that the seven children of Amadioha is yet to be completed". Igodo said slowly. "Uzodinma, please show them where they will keep their load in the hut. I have a feeling there is one coming, I can feel it". No sooner had he finished his words, they all heard the beautiful tune of Ojadike's flute.

Ojadike appeared at the same direction where the twins came out from.  He pauses as he saw them. The five pairs of eyes stare at Ojadike as he also did to them. 

"Well, good day my father and everyone here", Ojadike said and pointed at Igodo. With his tone of speech, you will know he comes from a wealthy home. "I guess you are the Igodo I was told to find. And also if I am in the right place".

"Yes, you are. You just came in time also, Uzodinma will direct you to where you will keep your load. I pray to Amadioha to send the remaining two in time". Igodo said and Uzodinma went in as Ikenna, Ikenga and Ojadike following her. In their hearts they all felt safe and home.

Ojadike soon came out and sat down beside Odum on the raffle mat.

"You played brother". Odum complemented on Ojadike flute playing.

"Thank you". Ojadike said smiling brightly.

"Please can you do that again I mean play your flute?" Odum asked

"Well, I was about to ask him that too". Igodo chip in.

"Of course", Ojadike replied and brought out his flute and started playing a familiar tune he was use to.


Ikemefuna had made it into the forest, after walking a little bit inside the forest, he pauses and looked around making sure he was alone. Then he whispered.

"Agu, I am here". No sooner as he uttered those words a Lion walked out of its hiding place. The Lion sat down, facing Ikemefuna.

"Have your parents allowed you to go to Umu-Igodo?" The Lion surprisingly asked.

Agu was a name given to him by Ikemefuna, he had met the Lion when he had been lost in this forest, he was very young then. He had given up hope of finding his way to his village when Agu came out from the bush. At first he was afraid thinking that the Lion was there to eat him, but was surprised when the Lion talked to him and asked him to climb his back, that he will take him back to his village.

When he saw that the Lion was actually speaking to him, he ran further into the forest, trying to get away from the animal. He found a space under a tree to rest and think of his way out but was surprised when he saw the Lion in front of him.

How had it come here?

The Lion then told him as if he was reading Ikemefuna's mind. "You can't run away from your chi. I am your chi. No matter how  far you are, I am with you".

And from there he became close to the Lion. The most funniest aspect of it all was that no one can see the Lion expect him. At times the Lion do come to his home to talk to him about things of the world. It was during one of those talks that the Lion told him of the cursed village and how he was among the seven children of Amadioha. Ikemefuna believed the Lion and had always have the interest of going to Umu-Igodo to save the land. And now he thinks he's ready to go to Umu-Igodo village at least that's what his chi had told him to do.

"Yes I have, and they had agreed".

"Good. You have to start preparing for the journey ahead. You are leaving this night".

"I will do as you have said". Ikemefuna said and left the Lion who walks for a while before disappearing into thin air.


Prince Ebuka of Umu-Igodo had been restless since the death of his younger brother. He had heard from his hut when Odum had told his father he will find a way to stop the curse. 

Prince Ebuka had always be greatly disturbed by the deaths of his people and have prayed to Amadioha to lift the curse but to no avail.

When he heard what Odum had said to his father and the elders, he was in his hut still asking Amadioha to free his people.

Prince Ebuka had a great hearing. He can hear anything that is being discussed from a distance. All though he had never told his mother, who is the first wife of the Igwe and neither his father. 

He wasn't surprised when Odum told his father of how he will break the curse.

The curse?

The curse?

Igodo and the curse?

Everything had started with Igodo and he might know a thing or two about the curse. Igodo must have an idea on how to break the curse. I must pay a visit to him.

I will do anything and everything to save the lives of the innocent people of Umu-Igodo.


That night in Nwagebe village, Ikemefuna made his way out of his village. His Agu by his side as they walked through the paths that leads to Umu-Igodo village.

To Be Continued..
